New replacement algorithm ( LRU versus FIFO) 新的替换算法(LRU与FIFO)
The Calculation of FIFO Buffer Size in a Improved Dynamic Priority Arbitration Algorithm 基于一种改进动态优先级仲裁算法的FIFO容量计算
FIFO buffer is assumed by way of rail operations, the design algorithm to solve the problem rearrangement of railroad cars. 假定缓冲轨按先进先出的方式运作,设计算法解决火车车厢重排问题。
FIFO scheduling algorithm is widely used in the networks because of its simplicity and high performance. But it cannot perform resource allocation. FIFO队列调度算法由于实现简单、执行效率高而在网络中得到大量的应用,但FIFO队列无法实现对资源的分配;
One is that the rest queue scheduling algorithm takes place of FIFO ( First In First Out) scheduling algorithm on the router, enhancing differential service for different sort data flows. 一类方法是在路由器处将先来先服务(FIFO)调度算法用其他队列调度算法代替,增加对不同类别数据的区分服务;
Based on decimate in frequency ( DIF) Radix-4 algorithm, a 6 levels pipeline structure was adopted. In each level, FIFO was used to delay sequence and it coupled with 4-road commutator was employed to change the sequence of address. 该方法采用了按频率抽取(DIF)基4算法和6级流水线结构,每级均采用FIFO存储器实现延迟功能,和四路转接器一起共同完成序列的码位抽取。
The Analysis and Comparison of Iterative matching Arbitration Algorithm for Switching Fabrics with Multiple FIFO Input Queued 基于多FIFO输入队列交换结构的迭代匹配算法性能分析与比较
In page virtual storage system, the page-replacement algorithms in common use are RG, NUR, LFU, FIFO, LRU, and LRU is the most general algorithm which is close to the ideal state. 在页式虚拟存储系统中,较常用的页面置换算法有RG、NUR、LFU、OPT、FIFO、LRU,其中LRU算法是一种最通用的有效算法,最接近于理想状态。
The data is sent to A/ D through conditioning circuit, and then it is sent into PC by FIFO buffer through EZ-USB. After algorithm conversion, the D/ A conversion outputs analog signal to carry out real-time control. 采集的数据经调理电路送A/D模数转换,再由FIFO缓存器经EZ-USB送上位机处理。经算法变换后的数据,由D/A转换输出模拟信号,实现实时控制。
A pipeline-pseudo median filtering algorithm is suitable to hardware realizing, and is utilized. The 8 bit image 3 × 3 window median filter is implemented by using FPGA devices and FIFO devices. The significant result of noise suppression is achieved. 采用一种适合于硬件实现的流水线伪中值滤波算法,利用FIFO器件和FPGA器件,完成8bit图像3×3窗口的列方式伪中值滤波,整个电路去噪效果明显。
Then, I researched Hadoop platform of existing scheduling algorithms, namely FIFO algorithm, capacity algorithm, fair scheduling algorithm. 接着研究了Hadoop平台下现有的调度算法,即FIFO算法,计算能力算法,公平调度算法。
Through the in-depth analysis in the scheduling process of the iSLIP algorithm, it is found that the algorithm can not guarantee the FIFO requirement and therefore a new FIFO-iSLIP algorithm is proposed. 我们通过深入分析iSLIP算法的调度过程,揭示该算法不能保证FIFO要求,因此提出了改进算法:FIFO-iSLIP算法。
This improved algorithm maintains the original iSLIP priority scheduling mechanism and at the same time ensures the FIFO feature, ensuring an orderly transfer for real-time businesses, without too much increase in the complexity of the original algorithm. 此改进算法在保持iSLIP算法原有优先级调度机制的同时又能保证FIFO特性,确保业务实时有序的传输,而不会过多地增加原算法的复杂性。
In addition that, also deeply research the anti-collision algorithm, and make some improvements. The two processors are connected through the FIFO Circuit so that the whole system can coordinates stably work. 两个处理器之间通过FIFO电路相连,使整个基带系统协同稳定工作。深入研究了协议中的防碰撞算法&二进制搜索算法,并对其进行了仿真分析。
We propose a coordinated checkpointing algorithm based unreliable non-FIFO channel. In unreliable non-FIFO channel, the system can lose, duplicate, or reorder messages. 提出了一个基于不可靠的非FIFO通信信道的检查点算法,在不可靠的非FIF0的通信信道中,系统会发生报文丢失、重复接收报文和报文乱序。